Sunday, December 09, 2007

Second Sunday of Advent

We have added the next candle to our wreath. Yay. Hard to believe there is 2 weeks left till the big day. It seems to go by so fast, and I am trying hard to make sure to slow things done enough to enjoy it.

This morning while we got ready to leave for church, Nana called asking for a ride. It was then we looked out our curtain covered windows to see that it had snowed AGAIN! Seriously, 3 Sundays in a row! People are going to start thinking we live in Canada or something. Hahaha.

It was another membership and baptism Sunday, which is always nice. I was in the nursery, but Ken was kind enough to share the duties so I could catch half of the testimonies. Ariel was pretty mellow in the nursery this morning, and spent most of her time reading books. Awe.

Also at church to was a display for Ten Thousand Villages. I love that store and bought a few last minutes goodies for the family, as well as some treats for ourselves and Ariel. Click on the name to go check out the website to see some of the treasures. Basically, its a shop that sell items at 'fair trade' value, so the people from these far away places can earn the real value of their work. Plus, we get to learn about all about these different cultures and heritages. Some of the things I can show you (hehe, sorry I know too many people from my family read this to show what I got them) is a bag for myself, coffee and chocolate for Ken and a beautiful box and shaker for Ariel. Those will go in her stocking.

Not much else planned for today, just stay in and keep warm I guess. Yesterday while Ken went to teach, I joined my family for breakfast. Yummy. Nana and Papa treated us all as part of our gift for Christmas, so that was very nice indeed. Afterwards, I helped set up and decorate Nana and Papa's tree. Ariel had more fun with the musical snowman as usual.

Came home and Ariel slept for 3 hours while I did crafts. Ken was staying a bit late, so by the time he got home it was close to 8pm. He rented a movie for me, Waitress, it was ok, nothing super, but it was nice to relax with a movie while he entertained princess.

Hoping to get to Richmond this week to pick up the new gadget for the computer Ken wants. It will allow us to capture video again, so that will be very cool. Ken needs it to prepare for his Hollywood Jesus presentation, and now it looks as if he will be sharing a shortened version of that in church during January. I will keep you posted if you want to come hear him talk.

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