So earlier in week we had our friend Pooja take me and the kids off shopping for Indian outfits. We did have a place in mind but ended up at another shop by accident, but it worked out well. We found a perfect outfit for me and he threw in Ariel's outfit for free! Now if anyone would like to borrow it, please let me know. Its too beautiful not to use as much as possible!

Ariel's was a tad long so I had to hem it at home, taking 10 inches off the bottom, gosh she is tiny!

The Friday night Ariel and I got invited to the henna party at Ann's house. When we arrived the artist was doing Ann's feet and oh it was simply stunning!

We all got to have a little henna done on our hands. Such a pretty design and I keep getting many complements on it.

Ken picked us up to take Ariel home to bed and dropped me off at the movies as our book club was having its last meeting before summer. We had just read Water for Elephants and went to see the movie, but since we waited the only time it was playing was 930pm, so a late night it was! I enjoyed the movie but seeing animals hurt is really hard for me.
Saturday morning I worked for 3-4 hours finishing Ann and Teddy's wedding cake. Each flower was cut out, shaped and attached to the cake by hand. The finishing effect of adding some simmer powder to each flower made it sparkle in person and it was done! I was so happy with it, my first wedding cake! Woot!

Ken was out all day at an open house at the school so when he got home we took the kids to the May Days for rides and dinner. I had my annual corn dog, haha. Ariel road 5 rides and enjoyed probably the roller coaster the best, again like last year. I am amazed she is my kid, I don't do rides at all! I think her face says it all!

Xander got a kick out of watching her fly by, wonder if he will be like her wanting to ride those things!? He also had his first taste of cotton candy, he wasn't impressed.

Next morning we were up early, dressed and ready to head to the temple. We dropped Xander with Brenda who was going to have him in the parade for our Imagine That camp float. We got to the temple and found my other friends and made our way inside for the tea they had for us. It was a nice little breakfast of veggie pakoras, a few other things I wasn't sure what they were called but they were yummy, fruit and sweets. Ariel discovered how sweet Indian sweets can be, haha.

Then we went upstairs for the ceremony. Ann had given us an email run down of how to come in and do things before taking our seat, men on one side, ladies on the other. Ariel enjoyed the music, even though she was confused that it was in a different language. They did have the words in english on the screen too so that was interesting to know what they were saying. We watched Ann come in with her parents, she was so cute, totally smiling and eager to see Teddy.

They did the walk around several times and then it was pronounced they were married. Yay!

Before we went up for our picture with them, some of the men of the temple came around with large bowls. One of the ladies sitting by us explained it was a sugary paste that they would give us like a blessing. They dropped a handful into our hands and we ate it. Ariel kinds freaked that it was warm and needless to say we took 'her blessing' home in a napkin in my purse. Haha. It kinda tasted like super sweet and sorta the consistency of instant oatmeal. I actually liked it.

Then it was downstairs for lunch! Lots of veggie curries, fruit and roti. Yummy! Then said goodbye to everyone until later, and we headed home for a rest.
When it was time for the reception we had changed as it was SUPER HOT, really felt like summer! Not to mention I was worried about tripping and dropping the cake I worked so long on. Brenda drove me and the cakes as Ken followed us out to Vancouver. It was a beautiful hall and they had appies ready as we came in.
Ariel and Alasyn had a great time hanging out together and eating the little Indian crackers. They eventually set up the warm appetizers as we waited for Ann and Teddy to arrive. Lots of tasty things that were complemented both cultures, egg rolls, samosas etc. At the table they had fortune cookies and chopsticks. The cookies had a game inside them and Ariel won a dvd! She was so excited!

...cutting the cake! She even had them announce I made it for them, so that was so special! They were so cute, asking where they should cut into it. Haha.
Then there was dancing before dinner, and oh boy did Ariel LOVE that. She was loving the dancing lights and disco ball. Plus the mix of top 40 songs and Indian music was keeping her moving.

Dinner was served and it was butter chicken, soooooooooo good! They had a sweet table and a candy bar. The servers were taken with Ariel most of the night and one of them went to the candy bar and brought her a full plate of treats! Spoiled rotten! Haha.
Sadly I was getting a migraine and we packed it in around 10ish. Ariel cried of course because she didn't want to leave 'the best dance party ever!' Xander was asleep before we left the parking lot and we came home and crawled into bed. It was a wonderful day and I am so happy for my friend and her new adventure in life! Congrats again!!!!
Then today was Ariel's ballet viewing but since I have some work to do it will have to wait till later this week! Got lots of graphics stuff to get caught up on, a photo shoot to edit and some cake orders this week. Busy busy busy! Oh and there is a postal strike coming... not too pleased about that.