So this week I have been drowning in paperwork. From the 2 years worth of strata minutes I had read, gathering info for the broker and reading contracts that say Ken and I will own a home in less than 2 months... gack! A tad overwhelming but exciting too.
We got our inspection booked for this afternoon, well Ken booked it as for a good day we were without a phone after it died in mid call the other night. The tech guy came and said our port died, easy fix but still annoying, haha. Anyhoo, it was fun to go back to the place and walk around knowing we get to fix it up to be perfect for us. Did some measurements and talked about layouts while the inspector did his thing.
Dad and Rita picked Ariel up from school and brought her over. She was excited as it was the first time she got to see the place. She really liked her future room, eager to paint it pink! Haha. She was so sweet, saying Mommy its beautiful. Awww.
Stella and Donna came walking by to before the inspection started so they got to check it out, and see the dirt. Seriously, I don't understand how people can live in this. The inspector actually asked if it was tenants because usually they explains the lack of cleaning, but no they were the owners. That made him rather wide eyed. haha. Donna didn't want to touch things, it was rather funny... come back when its clean :) She also wants us to get a new light fixture for the dining room... so I guess we will all go shopping one day for one. Hee
Overall the inspection didn't reveal too much, which was good, some wiring done backwards on an outlet, a window missing some hardware, some broken lights etc. The roof had some patching but it was more from wind blowing off some, but its got another 10-15 years in it. The bathroom they had done peel and stick tiles, so to replace those with solid vinyl and fix the hand rails on both sets of stairs. His best advice was to eventually replace the windows. He gave us our report in a handy binder, with fact sheets about everything that needing fixing, as well as coupons and seasonal maintenance lists.
I meant to bring my camera to snap some pictures, I will go back and get some because seriously you need to see some of this stuff to believe it. However until then I will share the 'old' listing pictures from when these guys bought it. Show the place in its full potential once its clean and not cluttered. Today I got to see dirty underwear on the floor... gross!
So here is our main floor space, living room and it flows to the kitchen and dining room.

The kitchen, the counter tops are blue, I kept thinking they were teal so I was excited to realize today they weren't, haha. Makes picking paint easier! The space on that one counter is HEAVEN! The wooden cabinets are really nice too. Planning on painting this a light blue to brighten it up, robin's egg sorta shade.

The dinning room has 2 windows, and lots of light. Great for cake photos. Our table will fit perfectly and having the extra leaf in won't be difficult anymore.

Don't have great pictures of the upstairs but here is Ariel's future 'pink' room.

Xander gets the cool loft, this bed makes it look small but its a good size room, and really funky. Probably doing a bright blue below the chair rail. Its amazing how bright it is, especially compared to Ariel's current skylight she has in her room.

Missing is the bathroom, our room and hallways. We will be sure to do before and after pictures as we go along. Can't wait to start, but first we need to finalize our financing and remove subjects. I think today made it more real... kinda getting giddy now.