What a week! The last few days have been very 'memorable' to say the least... Yesterday was American Thanksgiving and I had this wonderful excitement to cook up our annual 'mini' meal of cornish game hens with a bunch of fixings. Ken ended up working from home as he was still sick with a cough and cold. Ariel was at school and I decided to cook up some grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch. Then half way done, poof, out goes the power. Usually its out briefly and comes back but it didn't. Doh!
It wasn't long afterwards that I heard the sirens in the distance, uh oh. Not a good sign. Some investigating on the iphone and a call to the hydro outage line revealed power lines down, and most likely no power till after 6pm. Well so much for my fancy dinner. It knocked out most of the village, including Ariel's school. When we picked her up she wasn't too phased, even though they had to have library time in the dark and couldn't see the pictures in the book, haha.
Ariel had an eye doctor appointment after school so I got the boys home and went out again in the miserable day. Ugh. Took forever to get to the office that is only 5 minute drive away from us. Good thing I left early. Another fantastic visit, Ariel's eyes are great. She was slightly disappointed she didn't need glasses but the doctor said it was for the best! Silly girl.
I brought home pizza so we could have a warm meal. We ate in the candle light but were starting to feel the cold as our place gets chilly fast. Got the kids in layers of clothes and thought a bath could warm them up but there was no hot water, doh. Thank heavens the power came back when it did, we were all getting a tad cranky and the rest of the evening was spent playing games.

The next morning we all slept in, trying to rest up as much as we could for the big day ahead. Ariel had a day off from school and we had our afternoon planned for seeing Santa and going to the Muppet movie! Yay! We got the mall at noon, did some shopping for Ken's family. Then Santa arrived and the kids were excited. I LOVE this Santa, he is so sweet and kind with the kids. Even Xander made his way and gave him a high five. We are big on Christ for Christmas, so Santa visits happen in November (as the best time to avoid line ups), leading into St Nicholas day in early December and talking about the real person. Ariel much like me loves the magic of believing, its fun and we enjoy it, end of story.

We made our way from the mall to the theater and got our tickets. We were excited for this movie, as its been a long wait for us hard core Muppet fans to wait. The buzz was so great for this film we were eager to see for ourselves. However, Xander had different ideas.

Our wonderful son FLIPPED OUT! Following the trailers and Toy Story mini cartoon he lost it. He loves Kermit but since the green guy wasn't on the screen for a good chunk of time he was beside himself. In a fit of frustration that we were disturbing people, I got him out of there. Outside he wasn't much better. He was inconsolable, and I was on the verge of tears, as I have NEVER seen him like this. The teens working the theater kept trying to help, giving him 3D glasses, toys from the snack stand and NOTHING helped. Finally I pulled out my phone and downloaded a Cars game and he seemed to calm down, so we went back, of course I was lost with the chunk of the movie I missed and I was upset of course as a trip to the movies isn't cheap!
Then he started again, this time Ken took him and I stayed with Ariel who had eaten too much popcorn and was bloated and uncomfortable. She wanted to sit on my lap and she isn't short anymore so she blocked my view, oh well. What I saw I loved, but I felt bad for Ken, especially when Rainbow Connection came on and our little girl sang along. It made me cry, and those who know the significance of the song to us and my Mom's memorial, understand the emotion. It was pure magic to see her sing a song that was one of our youth, a true sign of the Muppets returning for the next generation, yay!
We came out to find Ken doing a survey, which earned him a free ticket! Yay, so it was decided we would come again, minus kids to see the film together. I found an old gift card in my purse and it had enough for another ticket, so I am so so so THANKFUL for us not to have to purchase another ticket, and that Xander was free as well, otherwise it would have hurt that much more. So Dad is coming to watch the kids tomorrow and we are going out, yay.
Earlier in the week I got our tree up. May very well be the last Christmas we have here, kinda sad, and I hope our tree will fit in our new place. I will miss our high vaulted ceilings. Xander enjoyed sitting in the glow, and has been fantastic not touching ornaments. He does like to point to them, the boy knows not to mess with my tree, haha. I did something different this year and only did white, silver, gold and glass ornaments on the main tree. Its sooo pretty, I love it. Then our upstairs hallway mini tree is our cartoon one with character ornaments.

Got a new tree at the thrift store this year, a perfect addition for the kitchen and shows off the food ornaments so well. Hee.

Also this week Ariel offically had her ceremony and became a Spark! She proudly got her first year pin and first badge. Yay, so proud of her, especially saying her promise for the room filled with adults - 'I promise to share and be a friend'. Way to go Ariel!

Also got the exciting news that Ariel's school concert will be happening!!! Yay, so happy, as is she. Can't wait to see it.
Well I have a busy 2 weeks coming up, several orders through out the weeks so it will be busy but good. The designs will be lots of fun so I am looking forward to them. Hope to check in, briefly, but we will see. Until then, happy trails!