Project 365 - Day 15

This was the center piece at coffee party this morning. Its a mix of pussy willows, winter jasmine and witch hazel.
Well its been another busy week here. I am glad you enjoyed this week's pictures, another week down. I must say sometimes I have no clue what I am going to take a picture of and it never fails that something pops up. Sometimes I take tons of pictures and then when I look through them later I find something that I didn't see before.
Sooooooooo the week started with school and me deciding to check out the info session for the kindergarten class offered at Ariel's school. She still has another year of preschool, but I figured it be interesting to get some info now, especially with the changes and the new 'all day every day kindergarten' that is starting 2011 for all schools around here. Personally for us, I am not too concerned with Ariel's transition to this. I know for some its a major concern and I feel for them struggling with what they will do. Ariel gave up napping just following her first birthday, and has energy for days, so I think she will be fine. In fact this energy is why I have her in preschool, swimming, dance etc. Even after all of these she is still wanting more! Draining when you have another little one to take care of. Part of me will miss that extra time with her, but if it gives me special time with Xander then that is exciting too.

Its been raining a lot this week... ah west coast life!
On Tuesday we had ballet in the morning and again Ariel was dressed and ready long before it was time to go. While she danced I had a nice walk with a sleepy boy. I enjoyed snapping pictures and then picked her up. With the day suddenly taking a turn in the weather, I figured a change of scenery was needed and gathered the kids for a trip to the movies. Ariel had gotten a Chipmunk toy in her happy meal last week and saw a commercial on tv and was intrigued. So we went and had the whole theater to ourselves! Ariel wasn't pleased about that, she kept asking where the other people were, and that they would miss the movie. I guess she doesn't understand the concept of Avatar playing next door, haha. The movie was cute, I always liked the Chipmunks growing up, kinda liked them more as 2d characters but it was still fun. Ariel really enjoyed it, and it wasn't scary.
Wednesday was school again and gymbucks day! (Big shout out to my gymbo gals!) I dropped princess off at school and took Xander with me to Richmond. The shopping trip was pretty much all for Ariel, that girl had a MAJOR growth spurt and I had to clear out anything 2t from her closet (which is just in time for consignment drop off). She has enough warm stuff but could use a new swim suit (major tears after out growing the old one) and a few short sleeved shirts.

The store was packed and I am glad I didn't have to wrangle 2 kids there. The new line is all fairies and you know my girl, she is a big fan of them so she was super in love with what I got her. One thing I got that was a treat was this cute dress. It is so soft and shiny and Ariel's eyes nearly popped! She wore it the rest of the day and was in love with it. So pretty!

She had to put on a dance show in it as well. She set up some friends to watch along with Xander, pretty cute!

After shopping I took the car into get air care tested since I had to renew my insurance. Blah! I hate going mainly since I always freak out about failing. We failed once last year because I knew something was wrong with the muffler and didn't take it in to get fixed before hand. Of course fixing that made it pass no problem but it left me with huge anxiety every time I think about having to go again. I wanted Ken to take it in for me so I didn't stress but I faced my fear and did it myself since I knew Ken was so busy with his book. Of course we passed with flying colors and I was happy and went off to sign the papers at the insurance place. Yay.
Thursday we had my friend Katrina over with her son Caleb for lunch and a visit. Ariel insisted on a tea party, so I made some scones and asparagus wraps, yum. I found some sweet potato tarts in the freezer and ta da, tea party!

Ariel was frustrated with the fact Caleb is a baby and not able to play with her. That caused some drama and tears too. I am thankful that she has a birthday party this weekend with kids her own age, and the promise of that seemed to help. Either way, we had a nice little visit and Xander enjoyed meeting another baby.

Today was the craziest of them all, with 3 activities slated! First off was our monthly coffee group. It was dumping rain when we left and when I arrived I realized I forgot Kara's present on the table so I went back home to get it. We had a nice visit and great goodies, thanks Irene. I shared pictures from our Christmas visit from Ken's family with everyone, so that was fun. Then I left to take the kids to swimming. Got them both changed and into the pool right on time, and both had good classes. I would look over to watch Ariel and she is just smiling the whole time, makes me happy to see she loves to swim - I was always afraid and not confident in the water... mainly because I was pushed into the deep in as a child in my classes as a joke. Sadly, not funny and I never wanted to go back. Blah!
After class we got dressed and drove to meet Stella and Kara at White Spot for lunch. Kara turned 25 today and we made a special gift for our friend. She is dancing in the opening ceremonies for the Olympics but can't share what she is doing so I made up the story she is a Quatchi backup dancer (I am sure I said that at one point on here) . So its been an on going joke and it was perfect for a drawing, haha.

I am so glad she loved it, fur bikini and all. Lol!

Kara and her buddy Ariel

Lala and X-man who finally woke up.

Well, I had a few requests for the tantrum video, so here it is. Ariel loves watching this and saying 'this is me being bad - we shouldn't do this', haha. So she says its ok its up here. What a nut! As some back story, basically she was angry about going to bed, and Daddy put his foot down, hence her yelling for him. Its hard to see her, but you will hear her well. Ha!
Ok, time for another weekend, lots happening, as usual. Hope you all have a great weekend, I am off to have some turkey soup and biscuits for dinner. Yum!