Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Reaching out

So yesterday was the offical shopping trip for the Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes and the Single Moms Ministry. Both are areas that we always donate to, because of our love for kids.

The shoeboxes get filled with school supplies, hygene items, toys and hard candies. I get such a rush out of putting these kits together for a special boy and girl that I will never meet. Something cool about knowing I can make someone smile and they won't ever know my name. I think thats what I like the most. I don't need a thank you because its not about me, its about the idea of giving to someone else.

We also pick a boy and girl from the single moms list and buy a toy for the Christmas party they will have. I never was in a situation growing up where I only had one parent. I was very blessed and I am thankful. When my mom died when I was 20, it really hit me what life could have been for me if I had been a child when this happened. I miss her the most at Christmas, perhapes this is why I try and do so much at this time of year.

The gifts and boxes are ready to go out. I kinda wish I had our tree up so I could put them underneath until they got dropped off.

Its offically 2 weeks today until we leave on the plane for cold Michigan! I see the pile of things still not yet done and it makes me a little scared. I know it will come together, but I have so many things on my plate these days. I was working on the video for the church this morning. Was getting a little nervous that I didn't have everything I needed and then the phone rang and Linda was on the other end. She is the interviewer for the stories and so I had to laugh and say what a God thing that you called. hehe.

So I think I will work on some gift stuff and prepare for tonight and Bible Study. Its a rainy day, not that exciting and not really a day to go out in.

Christmas Countdown - 46 days

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