Apparently, lots! I am just sitting back on the couch playing on Ken's laptop from work because he is busy writing. Ariel is napping and I am enjoying the quiet, since it won't last much longer. Haha. We had one action packed weekend, and it was lots of fun seeing so many people.
It all started on Saturday morning as Ariel and I had been invited to Rowan's 3rd birthday party. All the way there in the car she chatted about the 'party' and her 'friends'. It was really cute. For some reason she wouldn't carry Rowan's gift, it was like she was freaked out by the wrapping paper. Once we entered the backyard, Ariel was blown away with the toys and kept referring to it as a 'park'. That was pretty cute.
Sienna is showing Ariel how to blow bubbles... but Ariel proceeded to stick the bubble wand in her mouth. Guess we need to work on that. Haha.

Rowan blowing out his big '3' candle on his hot wheels birthday cake. Ariel took one look and yelled 'CAKE'! We shared a piece since I knew she was pretty full from the yummy lunch of meats, cheeses and fruit.

Then came presents and Rowan got some lovely things. He really liked the football and hot wheels coloring book that Ariel gave him. Ariel had the most sheepish grin when Rowan went and gave her a thank you hug. She really likes him. Hee.

Ariel was getting kinda tired at this point and really needed a nap, so we thanked our hosts and headed home. I changed my sticky cake girl into some shorts and tank so she could nap until it was time to go to the next party.
Everything was quiet until I heard a loud wail! I ran down the hall to Ariel's room, thinking she had hurt herself. When I opened the door she was standing in her crib sobbing and pointing behind her. She cried 'binkie binkie'! I looked on the floor thinking she had dropped it, but then I saw it... her poor binkie had an accident... with Ariel's teeth apparently. When I picked it up she cried louder and wailed 'fix, fix'! I scrambled to look in her drawer for a spare, just so she would calm down. When I finally found one, she stopped crying and smiled... but a nap at this stage was a no go. She didn't want to return to her crib and said simply 'I play'. So I got her dressed and we headed over to Kara's party.

It was nice for Ariel to have a good visit with Stella and Kara before everyone started arriving. We helped set up some of the last minute touches, and Ariel even helped Kara stock the cooler with some beer. Don't worry, she didn't partake. Hee.

When people started arriving, she did very well and made friends with some. She was a bit tired from not napping, so every so often would find an empty lap and bring a book for a story.

Katie and her nephew, Kylan arrived and Ariel was very excited to have a little friend to play with. At one point he wanted to wear her hat, it was very cute.

The Ariel's other friend Issac arrived! We haven't seen him since last summer I think, so it was amazing to see how grown up he was looking.

Then the 3 of them went and talked to Holly the dog through the fence. Good times!

We got to visit with lots of friends included Deb and Blair (which was a total surprise). Ken soon arrived from work and after our 'first' dinner of the night, we then said our goodbyes and headed over to Dad and Rita's place for our 'second' dinner of the evening.
At Dad's we got to visit with my Aunt Valerie and Jim and Uncle Jerry and Aunt Rachel. Dinner was yummy, and we even made room for a tasty dessert (which we got to bring the leftovers home with us, score!) Ariel was really into the strawberries, and was pretty loopy from lack of sleep. When Ken put on the finger puppet and had him falling, she thought that was the funniest thing ever... and you really need to see it to believe it.
Can you believe the cackle she has? Hahaha. She laughed so hard that she ended up giving her self the hiccups. After all that we needed to head home since it had been a super full and we had church in the morning. Ariel pretty much crashed right away, and slept soundly... with the new good binkie of course. However, before bed she wanted to read stories, and she showed us how well she remembers her favorite book, 'The Hungry Caterpillar'. I was impressed, but I am her mom so I am sure I am bias. Oh well. Hee. (*First word cake she whispers, so its hard to make it out*)
The next morning we had Dianne arrive on our doorstep! She was joining us for church and lunch out, so that was fun. Since I was on nursery duty today, we got to visit while playing with the kids. Then we went to Ricky's where the super long line ups had us go over to ABC instead. However, we probably waited just as long for our food and the staff were kinda rude about the whole thing. Thumbs down to service, but the food was awesome! Ariel blew us away with her behaviour and waited so well. Near the end she was calling out for her fries, and I don't blame her.
After lunch we had to take the dorky tractor picture that everyone does. Haha.

Ariel loved sitting on the big wheel. She was really upset when we had to leave it behind. TRACTOR!!!!!!!!! She cried, and since she was mad, didn't want to ride in her stroller home and proceeded to walk the whole way! Wow, she was pleased with herself, and had a nap no problem after that.

Dianne and I then played our regular 'I'm leaving now, but really ends up staying another 2 hours' game we tend to do during our visits. Haha. We had a great chat about everything happening in our lives at the moment. One of these days we are going to make it up to visit them in Calgary, especially once they have their little baby girl from Ethiopia! Praying hard for a referral soon you guys!
I am so thankful to have friends like Dianne that grow up with you and still are as wonderful as the day you met them... especially if you were a totally weird kid at camp that sang songs about Twinkies and waffles. You are a blessing Dianne, and thank you for the wonderful visit.

Well, I should get dinner ready. I am looking forward to a quiet day tomorrow and the countdown to another exciting weekend which includes a wedding and SPAMALOT! Yay!