We had a busy weekend in lovely sunny weather. Friday we started things off with breakfast with Dad and Rita, and a visit to the ducks. I think this one was ready to jump on Ariel's head.

Friday night was rough, as I didn't take my pills, I know I know, stupid thing to do. So needless to say me and the toilet were friends. Totally sucked, and I know better. I just thought it was gone. So this proves I get BAD sickness no matter the gender, that is totally lame. Boo!
Then on Saturday we had lunch with friends Maureen, Darrel and their kids and extended family at Augustine House. Ariel had a wonderful time playing with the kids, and their slinky, which she found extremely interesting. Haha.

Then when the kids played Piano for all the grandparents, Ariel wanted to play too so badly. We made her wait, and finally she got her chance with Maureen.
Later that night we did a mountain of laundry with the help of Daddy and got some more junk cleared out of the rooms upstairs. Ariel's new furniture was going to come this weekend, but that has changed due to owners of the truck being away, poopy. Oh well, we will try again and it does give me more time to wash the walls and vacuum... and finish sewing pillows for Ariel's bedding.
Sunday we had church and I was in the nursery. I was watching Ariel in the next room during her faithweavers class and can I say that my girl has found a new love of gluing and cutting with scissors. Oh boy, why do I see trouble in our future, haha. Next Sunday Ken is giving the sermon! Woot, so if you are in the area and want to hear him, please join us at 1030am. They usually tape the sermon too to post on the online website, so if they do, I will post the link so everyone can take a listen. He is doing another animation and faith topic, focusing on the Pixar movie 'Cars' this time. I am always amazed that he can do this stuff, I am very proud of him. He is also in the process of writing an article for the MB Herald this summer. Such a busy guy!
After church I got to do some cross stitching while Ken and Ariel went to order my birthday cake for my party next Saturday. Ken is organizing it himself, so I am eager to see what he has done. I feel bad since he is so busy, but he wanted to do this for me, what a sweetie! Since he isn't much of a cook, I had picked out a funny cake at Save-On he could get rather than try and make one. I totally wanted a Wall-E cake, and of course Ariel was thrilled. Haha. Can't wait to see it in person, hee.
When they got home Ken had also found Ariel a Quatchi hooded towel. Our girl loves those mascots... and we do too. Haha. She carried it around all afternoon calling it her friend. Too cute.

Here is my progress so far on Xander's stocking. Ariel enjoyed sitting beside me and watching me stitch. I asked if she wanted to learn when she was old and she said yes! Oh that makes me so happy, we can be stitchers together. Whee!

This morning we had ballet class. It was such a wonderful warm morning to walk there. Ariel was excited as usual to go, and decided she wanted to wear her black tights today.

She is so graceful, not like her mother. Haha. Although she does have my clutzy gene.

One of these things is not like the others.... hee.

After class we walked to the store for weekly groceries. I gave up my month shop since my cravings and likes change week to week these days. However, with the good weather, its fun to have reason to walk down. We got our items and as we were walking by the bank we saw a large lion. Ariel was not sure what she thought, but the cookie they gave her helped.

We went inside and got to see a former Alpine skiing Olympian with the torch! That was very cool and such a treat we weren't expecting. Ariel was still more interested in the cookie, but I bet one day she will love this picture.

So the week is filling up with visits and doctor's appointments... not to mention the big 3-0 on Friday. Ack! Well, off to do some sewing, while I still have some energy today.
So neat that you got to see the torch!
I laughed out loud when I read in your last post that you have Xander's halloween costume picked out already! I always look forward to seeing what you guys find for your halloween costumes.
I love the ballet pix of Areil from behind ;) Don't worry the big 3-0 isn't as bad as I thought -- I survived it at least ;)
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