Monday, April 17, 2006

Resurrection Sunday

Thats seems to be the new name we are going by this year at church. Pastor Dave was telling me how the term Easter is a pagan term and perhaps this was the best way to truly remember the reason of the holiday in the first place. I think we will use that with our own children, just like how we will do St. Nicholas Day. Have him on his own day rather than making Christmas all about the 'santa' thing.

Our church service was lovely as usual. I always look forward to putting the flowers in the cross. It seemed extra full this year. It will be fun to have a new person join in on these traditions next year. There was a fun food and fellowship time before the service. Yummy paska was there, I really need to learn how to make it next year. I say this all the time, but if I have kids on the way, I need to do my own batch. Hee.

Had dinner at Nana's house tonight with the family. Got my birthday card early from Dad since he is gonna be out of town again. Blah. Kinda sucks he has been away for my birthday the past few years. Anyhoo, everyone had turkey except me cuz turkey still makes me gag at this point. I am hoping once this baby comes I will love turkey again. Sigh.

We showed the baby ultrasound dvd. Its kinda a surreal experience I think for my brother. Not sure what he thinks of all this stuff. I can't wait till he and Jo are expecting. Brew ha ha. Dad asked what we are thinking for names and we shared what we picked. He then asked if that was a smurfs name? Mike corrected him and said wrong animated show. Its not really the movie that was a influence, but the meaning of the name. Its Hebrew meaning lioness of God. It spoke to both of us on such a strong level that it just fit. But, we are preparing for the backlash, so far, not so much. In fact everyone we tell loves it. Woot.

In somewhat an interesting turn, I found out my young cousin, who is 16, is gonna be a father. Whoa, wasn't ready for that news from Dad. In fact I was down right shocked. I don't know him too well, since there is a huge age gap, but he always struck me as a nice, smart kid. Its sad to think how fast he is gonna have to grow up and make some hard decisions with his girlfriend. They are looking at adoption and possibly taking this on themselves. Being pregnant now, faced with all the things ahead, I can't imagine doing that at his age. I pray he stays strong through this.

Well, its offically Monday morning. Guess I should get to bed. Another late night book session finished. Only 2 days left. Yay!

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