Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Feeling Icky

Ugh, I have crawled out from my bed long enough to let you all know I am still in fact alive. I think I have a stomach flu or something. Late Monday Ariel started having 'bottom issues' and filled some nasty diapers (sorry if that was TMI - my life as a mom, ha!) I thought that she ate something that didn't agree with her, that was until the next day I started feeling gross and needless to say I am pretty much camped out in my room across from the bathroom. Ugh.

However, the week did start well with Ariel's first storybook ballet class. It was so cute and she loved her teacher Miss Nicole. They did some stretches and songs, combining them with simple ballet steps. I really think Ariel will enjoy it, especially being around all the other girls. She kept calling them her friends, awe.

Her favorite part was getting to play with the ribbons. So sweet, hee.

After class we stopped by the quilting group to say hi and then went on to have lunch with Nana and Papa. It was then I kinda noticed Ariel wasn't totally herself. Not wanting to eat and being somewhat distracted. Poor little thing. She never did get worse, and except the nasty diapers, had no other symptoms.

Tuesday morning, since Ariel seemed perfectly fine (although I was starting to feel a bit ill) we joined Stella and went out to visit Kara on her break for lunch. We had yummy fish and chips at the dock, but by then I wasn't feeling so great and didn't eat much.

I came home and basically went to bed... for the remainder of the day. Thankfully Ariel was super good and sat happily watching a movie in my bed while I rested beside her. Daddy came home and took over. He picked up a copy of Sex and the City the movie for me on the way home from work,*yay*, so I watched the commentary while trying to keep up my fluids.

Today Ariel and Kara had a swim date at the pool. I was feeling strong enough to take her and then get a few things done around town. I took our pictures from Disneyland in to get printed and got some groceries. Not terribly exciting, but having child free arms was a nice break, and made it easier with not feeling well.

Came home for double nap time. Ariel crashed and so did I. Sigh, I will be glad when this bug is gone... I have lost over 5 lb from this! Not the nicest way to lose weight, yuck. I don't suggest it at all, ugh. Well, I think I am going to go lay down and watch ANTM, hee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better!

LOL...I watched both Sex and the City and ANTM last night. :)

LOVE the ballet pictures!!

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