Sunday, December 14, 2008

Red and White 3rd Advent

Those colors represent our weekend. On Saturday Ken was off from teaching because he had a guest instructor in his class, so it was nice to all sleep in. I took the opportunity to go to the grocery store on my own and boy is that a weird feeling. I kept checking to see if Ariel was there, so odd. Anyways, I got the stuff we needed and came home only to realize they didn't give me the bag with the apples, doh! So Ken went back to get them for me, thanks babe.

At noon I got ready and left with Donna and Stella to see the dance recital that Kara's dance school was putting on. It was funny not to see Kara on stage but as the teacher. Full circle I guess. The kids were very cute and I can't wait till its Ariel we are watching up there. Hee.

When we got home around dinner time I came home to see Ariel in a different outfit than I left her in. When I asked Ken why she needed to be changed he said that her other clothes were soaking because of the blood. UH BLOOD?!!! Turns out Ariel slipped and hit the chair in the office and cut her chin and her teeth dug into her inner lip. Once I got a good look at it I nearly fell back in shock. It was a huge gash! She has cut her lip on her teeth before but this was nasty! In fact it was super deep and I wasn't sure if it should be looked at or not.

So we called the nurse line and they suggested getting it looked at just to make sure it wasn't completely through. I didn't think it was, but with the front cut it was kinda hard to tell. So we ate our dinner and went to the ER. Ariel actually was having a blast with the toys and the nice nurses. We waited probably an hour and a bit to see the doctor, so that wasn't bad. The nurse that checked her vitals before we went in was amazed at Ariel's vocabulary and Ariel was more than happy to show off. Silly girl.

We got in and were given a bed to wait again at. Ariel enjoyed coloring and listening to things beep around her. The doctor arrived, and his name was Dr Kenny, lol. I thought that was funny. He checked her out and said it should be fine. He cleaned the outer lip area and sent us home. We were so happy to go home and chill.

Chill was the right word, as we left the hospital it was snowing! It was really pretty but the wind was very bitter and felt like it was cutting our faces. Ariel wasn't pleased and started to cry. I think she had enough at this point, and was pretty cranky until I put her to bed.

Once princess was in bed, Ken was preparing for his class at church upstairs and I inked the remaining images for the Christmas eve service. By the time we headed to bed there was a good blanket of snow outside. Very pretty indeed. I had to pull out an extra blanket for our bed to take some of the chill off. Brrrr.

The next morning we were up early and so were the plows. Ariel freaked when she heard then outside her window but was completely in love with the pretty white drifts outside. We figured after church and lunch we would go to the park to play. We got all dressed and Ariel went to Stella's since I was teaching the craft class this week. Turns out the snow kept lots of people away for Sunday school, as I only had 4 people show up. Oh well, its better for me since I hate talking in front of people. I could handle this size group, yay! We made felt dove ornaments. So cute! Here is the link I found the pattern from, we did it a bit differently so it would work with those with little sewing skills.

Then I dashed out to pick up Ariel from Stella's and come back so I could do my stint in the nursery. Chloe was kind enough to help me out today and Ariel was thrilled. In fact I do believe Ariel told me to leave, haha. Thanks darling. Apparently, getting a fat lip didn't slow her down from activities like jumping on the couch.

Can I say how much I love her Christmas dress this year!

After eating some treats after the service, we came home for soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch. Ariel then watched some of her new Muppet dvd that Megan was kind enough to send our way. Thanks again, we hope to return the favor down the road! Then we got dressed up in our cozy clothes and walked down to the park for some fun in the snow.

Thankfully, Ariel's muddy buddy that Stella made her still fit this year. So cute, and she loves it. It was surprising how deep the snow was, maybe because it didn't seem bad on the roads this morning. Either way, Ariel was happy to play and enjoy the park to herself.

We even managed a group picture with the self timer. Do we look cold? Haha.

Ariel started showing signs of getting cold and we started to head back home, much to her disappointment. When we got home Ken made up some popcorn and I managed to get some day two pictures of Ariel's injury. Her lip is still pretty swollen...

...and the inner lip isn't much better. Icky! Ariel got to talk to Grammy on the phone and told her all about her sore lip and her fall.

So that was our weekend pretty much. This evening things are pretty mellow, leftovers and probably painting for me. Need to get those pictures done! One week to go, eek!


Michelle said...

Oh Poor Ariel.. I hope that she gets better soon hugs.Poor Ken too and Mum also.Have a good week.Stay warm..We were in your area of town yesterday to the beach yes in this weather.LOL.

kelly ens said...

OUCH! Poor Ariel! What a trooper.
yes, VERY cute dress :)

missmarble said...

Ooh - that looks like it hurts! You may have snow but we have -36 right now - please send some warmer weather over the mountains! Ariel looks lovely in her dress.

Michelle said...

You got alot more snow than us...

Kristen said...

Poor Ariel! What a trooper she is! I love the snow pics-how fun!! She looks beautiful in her pretty Cristmas dress!

Brenda said...

Ouchy! Poor kid. :( Her dress is beautiful and she looks so grown up with her long pigtails. We had snow and crazy cold wind yesterday, -50 degree (F) windchills this morning. Yuck!

Amy said...

Ouchy lip Ariel! Glad it didn't need any stitches! The snow looks so pretty there! All we got was a down pour of rain! Might be a total dead day at dland though- we might go later to enjoy ubber short lines for once!

Kristin said...

Ouch! Her poor little lip! :( When I was little a similar thing happened to me, my tooth did manage to go through my lip though. I still have a tiny scar.
Hope it heals up fast for her.

Anonymous said...

Oh, poor girl!! the snow!! Too bad we don't get much here.

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