Sunday, December 03, 2006

1st Sunday of Advent

And we almost didn't make it. Blah. Today we decided to get the car in motion after the crazy snow this past week. What we weren't expecting was the snow that was pushed behind our car to be practically ice. We got stuck pretty fast and needless to say it was wearing on my emotions. Thank goodness we always plan to leave early, since Ariel loves to listen to the worship team pratice.

Back to the car, we got some salt and I was praying for it to work when suddenly a man with one of those fancy ice shoves comes walking by out of the blue. Asking him if he wouldn't mind helping. He and Ken get the car free and we are on our way. Praise! Woot!

I am happy to say, the snow tires are now on the car. Now that we know we can get freak snow in Novemeber, I may have them on by October next year. Blah. Where is my west coast rain! I miss thee.

Tonight is the Champions Christmas party. I plan to make up for missing last year. Its strange to think about that time. I was newly pregnant and had a small spotting that sent us to the hospital emergancy in utter freaking out. I hadn't seen my prenatal doctor yet and so it was very scary indeed. I was put on bedrest the next few days and had the worst migraine ever, thanks to the stress I was feeling. I never had any spotting after that, and my doctor attributed it to the cervix changing for the pregnancy.

As I prepare to bring Ariel tonight, I am thankful it was nothing more serious. I want to pray for the ones that were not as fortunate as I. The ones who struggle with the loss. During this time of advent, may the Lord light your hearts with strength and with hope. Amen.

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