Monday, October 13, 2008

Its Turkey Time!

I can honestly say that Thanksgiving dinner is right up there as one of the best meals of the year. Ariel was very excited to bring on the food, can't you see how eager she was to get to the eating part. Haha.

Do you remember this outfit?

She wore it as a dress last year, now its a cute top. Gotta love getting more than one year out of something. Not always easy with kid clothes.

So after sleeping in on Saturday morning, we all headed out to Richmond in search of 3 things, floor lamp, baby gift for my cousins new son and jeans for me... in no particular order of course. The baby gift was easy, found an adorable sleeper and blanket at Gymbo. Called Mike and Jo and asked if they wanted to go in with us, so that was perfect. Hope we can see the little Ethan soon. Hint hint Ross, time for a visit over here. Haha.

Then came jeans for me. I am happy the size I am wearing, its weird though, but in a good way of course. I haven't worn this size since high school, so that's cool, and I love having jeans again. Yay! Of course finding the right pair is the tricky part. I was thankful for Ken being able to take Ariel around in the stroller while I tried on several pairs and didn't need to feel rushed. Ahhh, heaven!

With 2 things done, the lamp proved difficult. Not many places seemed to have floor lamps like we wanted. Eventually we went to an actual lighting store and found the perfect one... and it was on sale too! Score! Lets hope this one lasts longer than the last 2.

When the evening rolled around, so did our first dinner at Dad and Rita's place with the family.

Another flash back, awe! Boy, I never realized how bald she was before, haha.

Ariel kept following anyone around in the kitchen, looking for handouts. She managed to score some squash and was quite pleased. She was then whined until we all sat down to eat. That plate was spotless when she was finished with it. The best part was when she kept going 'hmmmm, its goooood'.

Well I am gonna be honest and say I ate 2 VERY full plates of food! It was soooooooooo good and basically I decided to forfeit dessert just so I could cram my tummy with turkey goodness. Was it worth it? Dang yeah!

I am kinda bummed I didn't get more pictures. I was just having so much fun visiting that it wasn't until I got home and reviewed my pictures that I realized that I hadn't gotten many pics of the family, doh! I did get this one though, and its a keeper. Turkey does strange things to people? Hehe.

That night Ariel was soooooooooo full of food, that she was having a hard time sleeping. So we snuggled until we both were asleep and Ken carried her back to her bed.

Next morning the sun was out, so we walked to church. Who knows how much longer we will be able to do that with out rain. I had agreed to go in the nursery since everyone else was away. Hoping someone is willing to take my day later this month. Cross your fingers!

Ariel had a great time playing with the little boy visiting our church this week. They laughed and laughed over the cars, so cute. He was taller than Ariel but didn't say much, and when his mom came back to get him I found out he was ONLY one year old!!! This kid was amazing, I don't think I have seen a kid that tall for that age. Simply crazy! Maybe this is a foreshadow to how tall Mike and Jo's kids will be one day. Hehe.

While wasting time in the afternoon, I was playing on Facebook and saw Katrina was pregnant! Congrats girl, praying for a healthy first pregnancy for ya!

Later that evening we headed over to Stella's for our second dinner. Yum! Ariel then did her amazing disappearing trick. Now you see the food...

...Now you don't! (Oh, thanks again Brenda! The turkey clip is super cute!)

Time for pie! I managed to eat a sliver of pumpkin pie for dessert, glad I did, it was yummy. Ariel ate a piece 3 times as big, and ate it all. Like I have said before, the girl has a hollow leg!

What do you do after you are stuffed silly with food, play some Wii! Colin had brought his games and we all got a turn. It was my first time playing it, and I think I would need more time on it. Felt totally different compared to using a normal controller. Felt like I using my tv remote, haha. Ariel really was really into the car racing game.

She even managed to steal the wheel to try but it didn't seem to work with tennis.

Some games were just weird! Like REALLY weird. I don't think I have laughed that hard in a long time. Ariel was memorized! I told Colin if she demands a Wii now I am sending her over to his place. Hehe.

Ariel finally gets her chance and bowls with Aunty Lala.

Some video of the craziness! Whee... er, Wii!

So when we finally packed up and got home we decided since it was a holiday the following day, we try something with Ariel... no binkie at bedtime! Let me say, it didn't go over well... at all. She cried and cried... 2 hours later she finally fell asleep in our bed... with us both there. We put her in her bed and she slept the whole night. The next morning we sure got some dirty looks. She did perk up and we have been talking about how big girls don't use binkies. I guess we shall see how it goes. I shall keep you posted.

Ariel did eventually perk up after pancakes, and proceeded to steal my socks from the laundry basket. An act of 'you take my binkie I take your socks, momma' or just being silly... its anyones guess. Ok, time for lunch.


missmarble said...

Sounds like you had a great day! We did the no soother thing over the summer. I found it was easiest to eliminate it one nap at a time. We spent about 3 weeks with no soother at naptime, and then none at night. The night time ones were the toughest, but the 'big girl' talk did help. Good luck!

Amy said...

First- I can't believe she ate all that food on her plate!!
Second- CUTE bow Brenda!
Third- I love the use of the dress last year, and now this year a shirt, it's SO cute, and she has grown so much in just 1 year!
Last- I really want a turkey dinner now!!! AAHHHH, just 6 more weeks, sigh..

Kristen said...

Love the flashback pics! I thought that turkey bow looked familiar! Love all the pics of the prett girl. She is a great eater! You are a brave woman as far as the paci goes. Ella still doesnt sleep through the night consistently so I am not even considering it yet lol! Good luck and kup!

kelly ens said...

i am pretty sure Ariel has more than a hollow leg. WHERE does she pack it all????? amazing!
good luck with the binkie...i know we have to get rid of Taeya's soon too, but with all the transition around here for her lately, i know now is not the time. Maybe come January...

Brenda said...

Oh yummy, I can't wait for turkey! Amy, the countdown is on!!

I am also terribly impressed with how much food Ariel can pack away - wow! Oh to have a 2 year old's metabolism, eh?

Jill Brochard said...

Love the flashback pictures!! I want to see a picture of you in your new jeans! Let us see the hot momma!!

Tera said...

Such a cute turkey clip! Good luck with the paci...hopefully it's going better now? I was lucky with both of my girls...
simply took it away at 21 months both times and neither one of them seemed to care. All of the Thanksgiving food looked so yummy!

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