Friday, November 02, 2007

Missin' Daddy!

So Ken left yesterday morning off on his work related trip to the animation festival with co-worker Calvin. He has called several times to check in and it sounds like he is having a great time and has been making some good connections for work. He also apprently found some book shops. Anyone who knows my hubby knows his love of books... so it should be interesting to see what he brings home.

I stayed up really late last night... something I tend to do when Ken is away. I sit and watch tv, did some painting on the doll crib and cleaned the kitchen. Finally went to bed at midnight, and fell asleep the moment I hit the pillow. I will be glad when Ken is home, but I love when he gets to go to these things. He does so much for us, I am glad he can do some fun things too.

This morning Ariel and I joined my dad for breakfast. Yum. I had a different benny this morning, mushroom. Boy was it good! Ariel ate a pancake, some hashbrown and discovered she liked the taste of orange juice. The girl hates most juice, so I was surprised. I can't get her to like apple juice, funny eh? During breakfast, I was telling dad about the cute retro, wooden kitchen set I saw at Costco this week. I wanted to go back and buy it for Ariel's birthday gift, and put it away until then, since it was too good a deal to pass up. I was bummed I finally remembered the camera that morning and the silly tractor was all wet, and Ariel wouldn't sit on it. Oh well...

...the car is just as good right?

After breakfast was coffee party at Nana's. Ariel had more fun with Irene's shoes. She even managed to walk in them, first with help, then alone. What a girl!

Once we got home, got a call from dad saying he and Rita saw the kitchen on their trip to Costco this morning and ended up buying it themselves for Ariel's birthday present. Very cool, so I guess that leaves me to buy the dishes they had there too. Well, talk about being prepared 10 months in advance. Haha, its all good right? Here is the kitchen, isn't it cute!?

I am enjoying my break now, as princess is napping... yes, the naps are back and have been perfect. I will treasure them, since I know it will come to an end at some point. Until then, I think I will go put my feet up and do some sewing.


Kim said...

That's an adorable kitchen set! I love the pink - so girly :-)

Kristin said...

Sweet kitchen!! She is going to love it!a

Jill Brochard said...

That is the cutest kitchen ever!! Man I haven't even started on Christmas yet! You guys are organized!!

Ken A. Priebe said...

Awwww....I miss my girls!

kelly ens said...

i LOVE that kitchen set - wow, it's awesome!
taeya won't drink juice either...especially apple juice, but she LOVES apples. so weird!

Jeremy said...

I LOVE the kitchen set! Too adorable! She's going to have so much fun with it, especially by her next birthday, she'll be starting to really get into those kind of things.

Brenda said...

Yep, I think you're officially the worst procrastinator ever! tee hee

I do love the kitchen set though - wish I had somewhere to put one for Mallory. *sigh*

SarahRachel said...

That kitchen set is AWESOME!! She'll be able to use that for years, too! I adore her little coat, too. So sweet. =)

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