Monday, November 05, 2007

Writers Strike!

I was thinking since there was a writers strike that I would have a rerun blog entry, but that's no fun... so instead I decided to do something completely different. I give you a book report, by Jay.

Ariel received some second hand books from a lady we know from the quilt shop, and I found one of the funniest books I have ever seen in the bag. Its just plain strange! It starts off ok, 'Scratch N' Sniff - Smelly'. With a pizza on the cover, it doesn't seem so bad right? You assume its going to be things like skunks maybe markers or coffee, you know, things kids would think are smelly. Lets see what page one holds...

hmmm rubber tire, ok, but how many kids go running up to cars to smell tires...

...smoke... ok, that's just gross. Apparently this is an old enough book not to have 'gone green'.

CIGAR!!!! What kids book has images of smoking! This is getting really strange....

... only to then jump to Rocket Fuel! How is a kid going to know that rocket fuel is smelly? Really, someone tell me!

Old shoe... ok, this one is more believable but still. I love how it asks the kid, how many pairs of shoes you have laying around the house? I can say none that look that nasty.

Now on to my personal fav... GUNFIRE! Lets go out to the battleship today kids to smell the gunfire. Wow, it sure is smelly!

Finally, no smelly book would be complete without Moonure! That's even how they spell it. This is a smell Ariel will come to know really well around here, so perhaps this is the only page that will really mean anything to her (that is if I keep it around - highly doubtful).

Well, lets hope the strike ends soon, I am sure you don't want posts like these everyday. Haha. I am now looking for another book this company put out that is listed on the back cover, 'The Canadian Scented Scratch n' Sniff'. Something tells me it would be just as funny, maybe more so.


Dianne said...

lmao!!! I love it! What kind of warped mind wrote that???

gunfire???? hmmmm....

Kristin said...

Very VERY strange!

missmarble said...

I don't think I've ever seen a stranger book...

Jill Brochard said...

OK I am strange -- but I actually read/saw that when I was a kid -- maybe a school library or something. Really wierd when you think about it!

Brenda said...

That's the most wonderful book I've ever seen! You HAVE to keep that around - if just for the laugh value!

kelly ens said...

who writes a book like that?
who gives a book like that to a kid???

Tyler and Leah said...

that is crazy!!!

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