Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Off Again

Ken left this morning for Alberta. We managed to get him out the door into the cab with little issue, although we had to do a quick search for his keys... thanks Ariel.

Since it was a little cold this morning, I pulled out some jeans for Ariel to try on... they were the ones I bought back in September... THEY FINALLY FIT! They are a size 12 months! If you remember she couldn't wear these in the fall and instead wore ones that were 6-9 months in size. She looked so grown up in this outfit. I actually have the same shirt (only mine is the blue with white stitching) from Old Navy. I thought it be fun to match, will try and get a picture at some point.

Anyhoo, as we were preparing to leave this morning I saw the maintenance people going into the annoying neighbors old place... YES I am happy to say the nasty neighbors are officially gone! I wasn't sure since their deck was still filled with crap, but apparently they left it behind. How nice of them, eh? Now lets guess how long it takes to clean and redo the place until its livable again. Haha.

I forgot to tell you all about the weekend when they were packing up the moving truck. They decided it was a good idea to drink lots of beer while packing. Yes, 9am is not too early for a cold one. Good grief. It started ok, but progressed into a big 'F-word' extravaganza and then escalated to them throwing things at each other from the deck... things that break. One of the nice neighbors actually went out to HELP them move at one point when it looked like the fighting was slowing the progress down... I think he was just as excited to see them go, so why not help them leave. Haha. When I saw him doing this he gave me a friendly wink, just doing his part for the community. Hee.

After a quick little celebration Ariel and I were out the door to get all our tasks done. We joined Nana for coffee at the cafe. They had Ariel's regular order warmed up all ready for her when we arrived. Talk about service, hee. Then we went by the used book store to pick up the book Daddy had seen in the window last night during our walk. Ariel also picked out a book, since it was only fair. Momma's little book worm.

Then off to Safeway for groceries. It was customer application day, so I loaded up on chicken breast and a few other things they had on special. They were unfortunately still out of the diapers we needed. I have a killer rain check that I was hoping to cash in, oh well. I am hoping they arrive before we run out this week. Ugh.

Then it was off to Stella's so she could help fix up my brown dress I got at Old Navy. Had a little visit and then came home to unload the car. Now as I type this I am starting to think lunch and a nap is in order. But first we wanted to share some fun videos for you all and Daddy.

First, a message for Daddy. We love you!

Then some dancing, whee!


Amy said...

Cute jeans! I always love Fall time when the kids start wearing jeans again- hope you guys get some warm weather soon!

Jill Brochard said...

She's got some great moves!! So does puppy ;) I love watching your videos!

Dianne said...

Ken's here?! I yelled hello to him from our back porch last night... did he hear? :D

Jay said...

Try yelling tonight Dianne. He was in Edmonton last night, he should be able to hear you this evening. Haha

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