Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy 9th Anniversary Ken!

Dear Ken... my pumpkin king,

Wow, hard to believe we have been together so long, when it seems like only yesterday when I walked down the aisle to meet you. We still go to that same church, and walk the aisles every Sunday, now with little ones in tow. Maybe one day they will walk that same aisle to their soul mates.

In 9 years we have laughed, cried and grown together. I can't imagine my life without your smile, your eyes and your voice. I can imagine no socks on the floor, but hey we still have many years ahead of us right? Hee.

We have made a family which is complete. A daughter and then a son, I see you in both of their faces... in Ariel's eyes and Xander's hair, haha. I remember when we talked about our future family and how wonderful it would be. Even with the pain we went through to get to them, it was worth it all.

I am happy to say I am married to my best friend. I love that I can be myself (weird and all) with you and we can laugh about things no one else gets. I love that you are the missing piece in my art, we complete each other so well.

I love you Ken. I love my life... I hope we continue to grow, change and be more in love in all the years to come. God has blessed us,

Love Jay, your fuzzy tomato


Kristin said...

Great post Jay!
Happy Anniversary to you both. :)

kelly ens said...

happy anniversary! :)

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