Just got home from the movie... oh it was sooooooooooooooooooooo good! Totally worth the wait. I won't spoil it for anyone, so its safe to read on.
Going to keep this short since I am ready to crash. Arrived an hour prior to the movie even though we already had our tickets, glad we did! There was already a roped off line to cage us crazy fans in. We were about 30 people behind the front, and by the time we went in the line wrapped around the front of the building. CRAZY! Best line of the night came from a little elderly lady who walked by the line and said to her husband, such a waste of a movie to wait in line for... so wrong lady.
Without giving anything away, this movie wasn't about sex (ok, there is a bit of it, haha) but its more about relationships, friendships and forgiveness. We all cheered when it started, and clapped when it was over. It was wonderful to return to friends we got to know over the years, and revisit their lives.
I cried, I laughed and I was moved... and I will never look at sushi the same way again.
Ken is out tonight at a meeting and I am flying solo, so far so good. We have had a busy few days running around all over the place... and it was great but I must say I am looking forward to a quiet day tomorrow with some friends at the park. Ahhhh.
This was Ariel eager and waiting to roll.
Monday I was the human lobster. The sun at May Days was very unkind... even though I had sun screen on... apparently I miss a few spots. Nothing worse than looking all blotchy and sore. I was planning originally to stick around town and walk since it was much cooler out... that changed when I met the mail man at the door and he snickered at my burn! Rule one, DO NOT LAUGH at someones misfortune with the sun. Its painful enough already, I don't need to feel like more of an idiot. Sheesh. I half smiled back at his comment 'got a bit too much sun, eh?' Um, yeah, good call Sherlock!
This event had me running with Ariel to the car and driving to Richmond to escape anyone knowing me. Lol. We went to superstore and did our regular grocery shop there instead. Best part, had enough points so I got my $80 order for free. Yay. That helped my mood. Ariel also seemed to pick up on my general moodiness and kept saying 'you sad?' Awe, my little sweetie, she is so concerned when people aren't acting like themselves.
The next day the burn was looking much better. After all the water I was drinking (best thing ever to get rid of them fast) I was happy to see the redness fading. Ariel and I met Nana, Aunt Penny (who was in town briefly) and Stella for coffee. Afterwards Stella and I took off for Cloverdale and went to the COOLEST store call Essential Packaging. There I got all the goodies I needed for making Ariel's birthday invitations and other things for the party. Yay!
We then had lunch at Boston Pizza, Ariel for once wasn't really hungry. Gasp! Hehe, I think she filled up on snacks earlier so its ok. She did want to sample a good amount of Stella's lunch instead of her own. What a goof.
Then we hit a fabric store before coming home. It was a fun day and Ariel had a great time, as did I. Can't wait to start putting together the invitations. They shouldn't take long. Pictures once they have been sent out.
Today started as a gloomy looking day outside. I actually thought it would rain so we went off to get Mommy some shorts... the ones I bought a few weeks ago are too big. I know its a nice problem to have, but I told Ken getting skinny is making me spend more on clothes than I ever had before. Gack. I did also find a really cute outfit for our big date on Friday for SATC! I have to look nice for that, its all about fashion right? Hee.
I also used up my 20% off coupon at Gymboree. Yes, there is a coupon in the June issue of Parents magazine. These were some of the finds:
Super cute watermelon dress...
The island girl, guess we need to go to Hawaii right?
Came home and stopped to visit Nana and Papa. Then home again for a nap. Oh, Ariel had another one of her nose bleed incidents again. I could totally tell she picked or scratched it in her sleep since it was all over only one hand and one side of her nose. Yuck. This time she continued to sleep though the whole thing and when I went to wake her found her sleeping in the mess. Gross. Had to throw her in the tub, the whole time she is crying and saying 'sorry'. Poor baby, its not your fault... well it is, but your sleeping when you do it. I think thats a get out of jail card in my books. I am making an effort to check her nose before naps and bedtime to make sure they aren't dry and crusty, since I think that usually bring it on.
Well, time for the princess to have a bath. I shall leave you all with a picture I caught of her pondering... hmmm.
Such a pretty girl. Mommy loves you... bloody noses and all.
Happy May Days everyone! We had a wonderful weekend filled with activities, so its been busy, and thus this is a LONG post. Yesterday Ken worked so Ariel and I joined Stella on a walk down to see Nana and then through the village. It was sooooo hot and I was regretting not being in a tank top. Along the way we saw these really cute flowers growing in someones yard. I wasn't sure what they were, any idea to those with a good plant knowledge?
We stopped in one of the shops so Stella could find a new hat. Ariel enjoyed trying them on too.
By noon we had parted ways and Ariel and I came home for lunch. She played for a bit and then was in bed by the time Irene came over with the strawberries. I was helping her make some 'tux berries' for the bridal shower she was having at her home today for her niece. We made about 2 full cookie sheets, look at those handsome berries!
Of course we needed a blushing bride too to go with a groom. Berry cute, haha.
Ariel woke up at 5ish and we played on the deck while waiting for Daddy to come home. She loved the bubbles...
Peek a boo!
Ariel also took in an episode of the Muppet Show. Daddy is so proud of this video that he posted it on his blog too.
After a yummy dinner of chicken burgers, we went out for a walk. It was so warm even though the sun was gone for the day. We kept running into friends from church and chatting it up. We stopped by the grocery store and picked up some things. At Save On Foods right now they have a neat machine that spits out coupons with your card. We managed to get a great one for giant boxes of Raisin Bran. They are usually 8.99 each, but we got 2 for under $10. SWEET! We never buy it because its so pricey, so this was a real treat. Ariel was very excited and wanted to help carry the big prize. Hee.
Daddy and Ariel, awe!
This morning our church service was in the park. Several of the churches get together and its so nice to have such a huge turnout, especially when the sun is shining! Once church was over, we watched Katie go on one of the scary (in my opinion) rides. Then stopped by the petting zoo. Ariel LOVED that, she was really taken with all the animals.
Not sure why this little guy was there with a bunch of bunnies, ducks and chicks. Kinda the odd man out. Oh well, he is still cute.
Katie and Ariel really liked the bunny.
Then we ran into the creepy Seagull we see every year. Haha. Ariel wasn't interested, she wanted to go have lunch.
Got some fish and chips, yum, and found a place to watch the parade. I didn't get too burnt this year. I had sunscreen on, but I always manage to miss a spot. Sigh... Stella helped Ariel see who was coming down the road. Yay, its finally starting!
A short little slide show of some of our favorites from this year's parade!
Ariel had a ball and was really into it this year. She waved and clapped to the people, so sweet. I love this picture of her and Daddy. Too cute!
Can't beat a good view from Daddy's shoulders.
Parade came to a close and we went to grab a snack before the May Pole Dance started. Hmm, corn dog. Haha, yeah, we fed her crap food, but it was a special day. Ariel was really upset there was a stick sticking out of the middle.
Then sharing Mommy's snow cone while watching the May Pole Dance.
I took a video of part of the dance for those who might never have seen this done before. Every year a group of Brownies and Girl Guides (Canada's version of Girl Scouts) learn and do this dance before the New May Queen is crowned. I did this dance back when I was a kid, crazy eh? They did a pretty good job this year too.
Then crowning the new May Queen by last year's Queen.
Huzzah for the May Queen!
Saying a few words... I must say her speech was really funny because it sounded like a total Oscar speech. I want to thank my best friend, McDonalds for your fries... just kidding, but it was pretty close to that. Haha.
Ariel was very happy for the new Queen... except I must say she had that look in her eyes that said I am so gonna take that crown when I am old enough. Hee.
By that time Ariel was ready for a nap and we walked home to rest. Ken went out again to distribute more posters for the animation festival and I am having a nice rest here on the computer. Well, I better start thinking about dinner... not that I am that hungry, the fair food has got me pretty full still. I guess I better go put some aloe on my burn, yay for summer! Oooh, Ken just walked in with our tickets to SATC for this Friday!!!!! YAY! Double yay for being free with an Airmiles coupon! Ok, thats all folks... or at least till I do something interesting this week.
Today we had a full morning of events. It started with breakfast with Dad and Rita. Ariel was happy to see them and was eager to order. Did I mention her new favorite word to say is 'food'?
We had a nice time but things ended with a bit of an accident, nothing major but Ariel is sporting a big purple bruise and cut on the inside of her bottom lip. I think she somehow hit her chin on the chair and her teeth cut into her lip. A bit of blood, some tears and mommy singing the theme to the Muppet show to get her to stop crying wrapped up the event. Ariel doesn't seem to concerned about it, although she pokes her lip every so often, perhaps it feels funny being all swollen. Our plan is to tell people she is doing her Angelina Jolie impersonation.
After breakfast we took a small walk around to work off breakfast. It left us enough time to go home and grab the things we needed for the potluck and swimming class. Ariel was ready for the pool and kept repeating it in the car. The night before she was talking about the pool and found her swim suit that I packed in our bag and tried to put it on herself. Haha.
We dropped off our food at Stella's so she could cook it in her oven while we were swimming. Class went well and Ariel showed her ability to jump off the side wearing her PFD and me not catch her. At first she was a bit scared but once she did it a few times and got use to the floating feeling she was fine. When teacher asked if she jump to him she said no and proceeded to jump to me. Haha, sorry, but I am the mommy.
We got cleaned up and headed to Stella and joined in the coffee party's potluck lunch. It was so yummy and I filled up so much that I skipped dinner because I am still stuffed. Sooooooooo good. Ariel spent a good portion of the time on Lala's lap eating her food or playing.
Except when she was eating her yummy cake made by Nana.
Came home late afternoon and princess went down for a nap. I spent the rest of the afternoon sewing and I want to share a last minute addition to my little sun dress collection. I had to make a little 4th of July one when I found this red and white material the other day. It was too perfect and I had enough scraps at home for the top and white band. I even added some sparkles for fun. I just need to do the hem along the bottom, then perhaps the model will try it on.
Ken is off tonight with my brother Mike seeing Indiana Jones. Guys night. Woot. I spent the evening going for a nice quiet walk around town. The May Days fair got started tonight and it was swamped with people. Sunday we will go check things out since we will be out there already for our church service. I always enjoy all the local churches doing this service at the park, its neat working together.
Ariel was very cozy in her stroller with her care bear and water. She just got a new cup that looks a lot like a coffee travel mug, hee. Some lady passed her and commented that she had the best seat in town.
The new cup has become a fast favorite. Its hard to get it from her. She loves it because it holds twice as much water, especially good for those long walks we take.
I am happy to announce I am holding my Spamalot tickets in my hand today! I got pre-sale tickets since I signed up for Broadway Canada newsletters, sweet! So Dad and Rita are going to join us in July, should be fun. I am also excited that Stella agreed to babysit next Friday for us so we can go see Sex and the City the Movie!!! I will be getting our tickets online tomorrow, whee. I am sooooooooo excited. 2 dates with my hubby in a month? Thats crazy!
Well my daughter is whining that its bath time, so I guess I shall say good night! Happy May Days!
I had to post this because this is what I woke up to find on the internet this morning. As some as you know, my blog title is from a Steven Curtis Chapman song. He is one of my favorite Christian artists since I was a teen, so to hear the tragic news was too much for me... especially since I have a little Cinderella too. Here is the article.
Grammy-winning Christian singer Steven Curtis Chapman suffered an unthinkable tragedy Wednesday when his 5-year-old daughter was killed in an accident involving her brother.
Chapman's youngest daughter, Maria Sue, was hit in the driveway of her family's Franklin, Tenn., home by an SUV driven by her teenage brother, the Associated Press reports. The brother, whose name was not released, apparently did not see the girl.
Several family members witnessed the accident, according to the AP. Maria Sue later died at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, hospital spokeswoman Laurie Holloway said.
"It looks like a tragic accident," said Laura McPherson, a spokeswoman for the Tennessee Highway Patrol. No charges are expected.
"Just hours before this close knit family was celebrating the engagement of the oldest daughter Emily Chapman, and were just hours away from a graduation party marking Caleb Chapman's completion of high school. Now, they are preparing to bury a child who blew out 5 candles on a birthday cake less than 10 days ago," Chapman's manager Jim Houser wrote on a blog dedicated to Maria that was set up for condolences. "These words are unthinkable to type."
Longtime advocates of international adoption, Chapman and his wife adopted three daughters from China, including Maria, and have three biological children as well.
"After our first trip to China, my wife and I knew our lives were changing – our eyes and hearts were opening to how big God really is, and we have wanted to experience more of that," Chapman said on his Web site.
The singer also wrote a book about being a father titled Cinderella: The Love of Daddy and his Princess.
To lose a child is unthinkable... my prayers are with them all. I wanted to share this video because it was written about his youngest daughters... one who is now an angel.
Remember... dance with your Cinderella (or Prince Charming)... because time has a way of slipping away.
... too bad cars don't fall into that category. Blah. The past few days our car has been at the car doctors as I call it for Ariel's sake. She misses volvo, its really cute. Hee. Anyways, it would have been finished yesterday but the part that got shipped to them actually had the wrong part in the box. Totally weird, but not their fault. So today it was finished... kinda. We will have to take it back prior to our road trip in August to finish up the last few things on the 'priority' list. I am really thankful for buying the 'club card' at my last visit, as it saved me nearly $100 off the total. Needless to say it was still a high bill. Volvo parts aren't cheap, but its a good car and worth it... at least I kept telling myself that.
Not much else has been happening since the weekend. Its been lovely weather so we have been getting out and about for long walks and visits to the park. During nap time I have been sewing and trying to finish up all my projects that I have had going for awhile. I finished the remaining sun dresses. Here is the Canada Day one (covered in maple leaves if you can't make them out).
My personal fav, the Disney travel dress. I plan on making the matching bag tomorrow, which will be her treat for the plane. I have been picking up fun little surprises whenever I find something on sale that might be good. Have some drawing things, a few books and some fun snacks.
Tomorrow I hope to finish the Cinderella dress, just doing the beading along the bottom. Its so pretty and I can't wait to see her wear it on our trip. Eek!
Today we did some brief shopping for water shoes. I have been on the look out for a pair for Ariel for a few weeks and finally London Drugs had some out! They are really cute and will be perfect for when we go to the water park and such. She was pretty excited about them, but then the girl loves her shoes.
While at the store, Ariel was greeting everyone who walked by her with a big 'HI!' It got many laughs and smiles from people. Thats my little social butterfly. Then she said hi to this girl, a month younger than her that walked by with her mom. I got talking with the mom when I complemented her daughter who was wearing a pretty pink bike helmet. She then said it was her 'walking' protection since she is a not so swift on her feet. Ah... ok... sure. To each their own I guess. Is this a common thing? Its new to me.
Afterwards we went to the park and had a wonderful time. Ariel was off and running, she was so happy to be there.
Hurry up Mommy!
Oooh, ducks!
My favorite picture from today.
Ariel is the master of the slide and was happily showing off her skill for a 14 month old gal who didn't want to leave her stroller. In fact, when her Grandma tried to get her to go on slide too, she screamed. Poor thing, not into it yet I guess.
I love her face here, she is glowing. Ariel just loves it here.
Today I was lucky to get her to leave without crying. She seemed tired and ready for lunch, so simply mentioning cheese was enough to get her to go. But before we left, she had to get me a flower, awe. Thanks baby!
At dinner tonight we had the most delicious corn on the cob. Gosh, it was so sweet and perfect. Yummy! Ariel wasn't too sure at first...
Want some?
We just got back from our post dinner walk and Ariel and Daddy are watching the Muppet Show. She just loves the theme song and cheers and claps. Its so sweet, and Daddy is oh so proud. Not much planned for tomorrow, except to visit Stella at the quilt shop in the morning and drop off some fliers for the animation festival. Friday is swimming lessons and then a potluck lunch with our coffee group. Until then, go out and get some corn... tell them Ariel sent ya.
Happy Victoria Day to my fellow Canadians! Hope you had a wonderful long weekend... to my American pals, you have your turn coming up soon too. Hee.
Well, you maybe wondering about the title of the post. Last night around midnight I was still half awake watching a Dirty Dancing commentary on DVD. Its almost full moon and like clock work, I can't sleep. Doh. Anyhoo, I was finally falling asleep when I heard a loud meowing.... I was sure there wasn't a cat in the movie, but I tried to forget about it and sleep. Then I heard a few loud thumps and then Ariel cry.
I sprung out of bed and ran into her room. She was still laying in her bed but crying with her eyes closed. So something scared her and yet didn't fully wake her up. I carried her to our bed and left her there so I could investigate. Then the meowing started again. I looked out her window to see the world's fattest white cat... and he was MAD! He kept jumping at her window like he wanted me to let him in. (I didn't take his picture, but here is a pretty close artistic rendering, lol!)
I swatted my arms as if to say move it or else kitty. I love animals but freaking out my kid is not cool, especially at midnight. Needless to say, the cat wasn't going for it. He continued to jump and meow. If anyone has been to our place, they know you have to be buzzed in, so I couldn't figure out how this cat had gotten in to begin with, especially since there is a no pets policy. Thankfully my lovely neighbors were getting tired of Mr Kitty meowing outside their bedroom window too and went out to remove him to the outside. Of course Ken slept through it all, haha.
We had a really nice weekend, very hot too. Like I mentioned in the last post, we got instant summer this weekend. It was amazing and soooooooo nice. After our fun time at Mike and Jo's place, we had planned a quieter Sunday. We went to church in the morning, Ariel sported her cute sail boat dress. Too cute!
Shortly before noon, we ducked out a bit early so we could drop the princess off with Dad and Rita. Ken and I had a date to see the new Narnia movie. Its always an event for us to go to the movies, since we never go. I had ordered our free tickets via airmiles and we were all set. Ariel wasn't sad to see us go either, so thats always a nice plus. (I think it was the big toy room under the stairs that made it that much easier... haha)
The movie was FANTASTIC! I really enjoyed it and it was fun to get out alone. After the 2.5 hr movie, yes its a long one, we ran into none other than Mike and Jo on the steps outside. They were waiting for the nieces, as they were taking them to the same movie. How funny is that! Chatted with them for a bit then as they went off to see the movie, we headed home.
Arriving back at Dad and Rita's house, we saw the stroller was gone and figured they went to the park. We found them walking back with a sleeping princess. Awe. We let her sleep till dinner and then had to wake her up.
Dinner was yummy chicken burgers and some ice cream sandwiches for dessert. Ariel really liked that... although she would lick it and wouldn't bite it. (Those are paint samples behind them, just in case you thought the house was camouflaged.)
Then Ariel spent a long time running in circles though the house with various toys. She is going to love track running when she gets to school. Hee. First is started with one of my old toys, Snoopy.
Then it continued on with the large exercise ball. It was a good workout and she worked off that ice cream dessert.
Ariel completed her evening with some flying with Daddy. She was laughing soooo hard.
Came home for bath and bed. I stayed up watching the Sex and the City cast on Oprah, finally getting around to remembering to watch it. I can't wait for that one to hit the theater. Wow, we are going to the movies twice in one month! Insane!!!!!! Hehe.
Today we woke up to very overcast weather. The rain was coming, so we ducked out for a quick walk down to the store and back. Of course on the way back the rain started, but it nice and light, very refreshing. Ahhh. We did a few loads of laundry and odd cleaning up around the house. When Ariel went down to nap, I spent the time sewing and Ken worked on his projects.
Ken is now cleaning the kitchen for me and Ariel is watching Muppets... she is indeed Daddy's girl.
This concludes our long weekend of fun. Off to enjoy the remaining time with Ken and Ariel. Bye!