Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Never Ending Vacation

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Saturday, August 28, 2010
Wedding in New York

I was hoping to blog about the wedding tonight but I am feeling rather zonked... so its going to be in point form, haha. Gorgeous venue! The gardens were lush and beautiful!

Some dancing and as usual Ariel OWNS the dance floor. She keeps running over to tell me they are playing her song.

...and as we waited for a slice they brought out ice cream, ooh.

Friday, August 27, 2010
Pretty as a Picture

I loved this beach, so amazingly beautiful!
We went to Jones Beach this morning. We had no plans other than the chill out. It was a wonderful way to do so and it was calming and visually stunning. Each of us found a way to relax and enjoy our time. I will say we all had on strong sun screen and still managed to get red, so that is how strong the sun was. The only one without any red was Ariel! Lucky girl!
Ariel totally went to town trying to build a castle without a bucket, she was getting frustrated but then Grammy managed to find a set at the snack hut that she bought and the princess happily dug for hours.

Xander, well, he didn't like the sand or the water. Reminds me a lot of Ariel at that age. She refused to be in the sand until she was nearly 3! So instead he just snuggled anyone who held him, awww.

Ken was beyond thrilled to discover the snack shack had fried clams! This is something he loved as a child and has talked about them since we met. We have never been able to find them in Canada, so we didn't pass up the opportunity to have them. I must say, really tasty!

Then we walked in the mall where Ariel found some rides and Dan followed me while I shopped the outlet stores. Whee! We made it back to the hotel and got the kids into bed. The big wedding is tomorrow morning, can't wait! There is a bus coming to pick everyone up to take us to the venue so I better get to sleep. Good night!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Happy Birthday Xander!

Today my baby boy turned one... sniff. Its exciting and yet sad at the same time. My last baby is growing up so fast, and its hard to know certain things are behind us now. He is changing and learning new things daily that its always exciting and I know the best is yet to come. I held him as he slept this morning and just watched him like I did when he was first born.

I remember at 20ish weeks along in the pregnancy when we found out we were having a boy, and even then the ultrasound tech happened to note to us that he saw the baby had hair already... boy did he ever! The laugh the doctor had when delivering him was so funny. Our little wookie boy! Hee.
Looking back I never did get the 'delivery' I wanted or planned for, sometimes it still bugs me, especially when I see friends get that. Both of my kids had other plans, and maybe that was good for me, as the one who 'plans' everything like crazy. Xander being backwards and not willing to budge is still a common trait, haha. He likes to get stuck into awkward positions and whine till rescued. He is extremely mellow and laid back, taking the world in. What other baby would happily take in the craziness of New York City?

I thought it be more overwhelming, and in times it can be, the traffic mostly, but then that is what the cab is for. However, I found myself finding the rhythm of the city and slipping right in. I hailed cabs myself, and enjoyed the craziness of the people. In some ways perhaps being at the Olympics earlier this year made a difference, in fact I feel like it did. Sure the buildings are bigger, brighter and everything is louder, but it just was amazing.

We road the train into the city this morning and basically went in with little plans except Mom wanting to get the kids presents for their birthdays and for Jonathan to see the statue of Liberty. We got a cab and went to the American Girl store. Wow, that is crazy! Girls everywhere... and I am glad I had Ariel pick out what she wanted before we went as it was very overwhelming find things. She got the girl that looked like her, blond with brown eyes, Julie!

I found a cupcake shop and bought some cupcakes for the kids to celebrate their birthdays later that evening. Woot! We made it to Times Square, wow, talk about CRAZY! It was loud, bright and busy but so cool. There was a live band playing that morning and it was almost like we had a soundtrack to our experience. 'Don't Stop Believing' was being belted out and Ariel danced... these are things I will remember the most.

Ariel wanted to ride it so we took her on while the others got Xander a gift. He picked a car, big surprise, and he really did pick it himself. Mom said he just lunged at it and he held it the rest of the day, never letting it go as we walked the streets. I have never seen him do that before.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
New York, New York

Twas a long day of driving today... really long, as in 7 plus hours! We did it, and I can't wait till tomorrow. Eek! So on our drive today we passed through the states of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and then New York again. The kids were AMAZING! Both did so well today I can't believe it. Its exciting to see the other family members now, everyone is arriving tonight or tomorrow. Ariel is being the super star and totally charming everyone she meets. Xander smiles but is still sticking pretty close to Mommy, haha. I am going to rest up now, need my energy for everything tomorrow. We are going to figure things out tomorrow morning on what we want to do. So we shall see.... eek!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Niagara Falls
Isn't it pretty?! I am always amazed with the beauty of these things in person. I am keeping this post smaller as I need to get to bed so we can wake up early tomorrow morning to get on the road quickly. But here is the breakdown of our day of fun!
So this morning we woke up and got ready for a day of fun at the falls. It was pretty hot again today, and so I can say that I am coming home with quite a tan to say the least. Eek! We started the morning with viewing the Horseshoe Falls.
Ariel was hungry for lunch, so we got something to eat and then headed down to ride the Maid of the Mist boat to see the falls up close. This boat would go up to the falls and basically you got soaked, pretty fun!
Upon arriving at the boat, everyone is given a poncho, including the kids which was so cute. I loved Xander's baby one, hee.
It was pretty wet so I didn't take too many pictures, but this is what it looked like from down there. Beautiful!
The group split up afterwards, Ken, Dan and I went to the Cave of the winds, while Grammy and Jonathan took the kids to the aquarium. The Cave of the winds is a pretty wet experience and Mom figured Ariel and Xander might not enjoy it, and she was probably right, it was rather intense... but so much fun!
After regrouping and having some ice cream, I tried dippin dots for the first time, yum, we went on to walk and check out Three Sister Islands.
It was very pretty over there and I got Ken to snap this picture of me and my little man.
So tomorrow is a long day of driving... like 7.5 hours. Ugh. Don't expect anything that exciting tomorrow, haha. Hope the kids do well. Next stop, New York City!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Life is a Beach
Just love this shot from today... sums it all up I think.
Going to keep it brief as I am totally zonked and want to sleep. We have been travelling several hours in the car today, makes for a long day. We checked out of our first hotel this morning and headed back to Mom's so we could pack up the van for the next leg of our trip.
We finally got on the road around 11ish this morning. We crossed the bridge into Canada to head to Point Pelee. Mom and Ken had been telling me about Point Pelee for quite awhile, and we decided to add it on to our trip.
Took about 2 hours to get there, and the weather had warmed up and was really sunny. We started off in the wetlands area with the huge boardwalk through the reeds and lily pads.

A quick bite of lunch was in order... Ariel was excited about her hot dog!

Then we drove to the nature station to wait for the shuttle that would take us to the actual point where the beach was. While we waited Ariel played with the various toys, including a dress up station...

...Uncle Dan got in on it too

...and a puppet theater which Xander helped Ariel with, haha.

The shuttle came and we were told the flies were biting today, so to keep moving. We soon found out how true that was, ouch! We got dropped off and made our way down the path and pasted the 42nd parallel point. Its wacky to think we were as far south as Rome and Barcelona.
When we arrived at the beach I was blown away by the beauty of it all. Just simply stunning!
Ariel and Grammy made their way to the point and played in the water.
It was tricky but we got an ok family shot, Xander was getting wormy and Ariel was starting to notice the bugs at this point.
The ride back on the shuttle Ariel was in tears from the bugs landing on her and biting, me too, it was gross! However, it was really worth seeing and I can live from the bugs. Once back in the van, that is where we stayed the remainder of the day, long into the evening. It took a long time to drive up and now we are back in the USA in the State of New York. Tomorrow we will check out Niagara Falls, so better get some sleep! Good night!