Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Its a warm day, ugh. Other than that, its pretty good thus far. I got to the store for some veggies for dinner tonight, got the towels in the wash and managed to clean up a bit around the house. Overall, that is a pretty sucessful day, and its only half over.

Didn't make it to the church last night to hear Tim and Robin, but Ken got home a bit later and was pretty tired. So we played a game, watched a bit of tv and went to bed. I had a pretty good sleep, still up many times. I keep telling myself its preparing me for the endless night feedings of my little baby. At least I will have some company, its been lonely being awake while Ken snoozes.

Tonight, I am making a kick arse dinner. Woot. Making sure I rest enough to pull it off. Yesterday, I made cake, and sent some for Ken's co-workers. It was a new recipe for me, but I had it at Stella's and it was great. Fruit cocktail cake, yum. This afternoon I need to write out my to do list before baby comes. 6 weeks is gonna fly, and who knows, it could be sooner than that, so I better get busy.

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