Thursday, August 03, 2006

40 weeks, 3 days and still here...

Going to the mall this morning, perhapes the extra walking will start things up. Here's hoping anyways. Last night was ok. Woke up around 3am, had some cereal and watched tv. Was strangely wide awake but I guess that will be good when I am up breastfeeding.

Mike and Jo came by briefly last night for our huge book of cds, as they are preparing the music for the dance portion of the wedding reception. Whee. Ken saw our building manager showing off the place next door to a young couple with a young son. Be nice if a family moved in, so we shall see. Looks like the PMS couple might have moved out yesterday, or perhapes asked to, since there was a few more yelling issues this past month. Who knows, but it seemed late to be moving out with it being the beginning of a new month. They did manage to move the furniture without killing each, thats always a good sign.

Better get myself ready, leaving early. Yay.... escaping!

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