Thursday, August 10, 2006

Waiting.... again!

Just a quick update, this is Ken by the way. We went to the hospital this morning and Jay got some stuff to help the cervix to open and get going. They had her hooked up to the monitors for 2 hours to watch and see if baby was ok with this. Apprently, she was just dandy. She is so content in fact, that the contractions haven't really started. Sigh. Soooooooo, we are at home again. They said they should start but who knows. Basically, if nothing happens by tomorrow morning, we add another drug to make the contractions start.

Jay is doing ok considering, but she has really had enough. I took her for pizza for lunch and we ended up it and a dessert thing for free since they gave our pizza away by accident, so God is good. Free lunch can cheer anyone up. Jay is resting on the couch and watching tv, waiting yet again. Pray that things start soon, and that her spirits stay up. She had a rough night and was sick right before we went to the hospital. Nerves most likely, but still no fun for her. Keep checking in!

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