Friday, August 18, 2006

First Night

Gotta say it was pretty uneventful, which is cool! Ariel was really laid back yesterday, almost to the point were I thought I brought the wrong kid home. She slept most of the day which was weird, kept trying to wake her up at points to make sure she was in fact alive. (Is that a first time parent thing or what!) She basically would wake up for short meals and a few 'crap attacks' that Ken calls the uber full diapers.

Had our first bath at home. LOL. That was pretty funny. We kinda hoped it would wake her up because she didn't want to stop sleeping. It kinda worked, she didn't cry and in fact was really enjoying the water. She liked her bath hood, or maybe Mom and Dad did more. Hehe. After that she woke up every 3-4 hours in the night to have a snack and then would promply go back to sleep. Since my milk is coming in, the effect on her seems to be that she is getting full and very sleepy from her meals. Its just a different phase and yet she is only a few days old, so weird.

Also,lots of visits yesterday evening. Nana came by and so did Mike and Jo. Its hitting me that the following Saturday is the wedding. Holy Crap! I really need to get things in gear, good thing Stella is coming by today, we can talk about my dress. Eek!

1 comment:

Megan said...

So cute! So tiny! My friend and neighbour had her baby yesterday (18th) so I've been getting me new baby fix in person!
FYI, I still poke Cade sometimes to make sure he's still breathing (but then I have to run from the room so if he wakes up he won't see me!)

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