Monday, May 15, 2006

Shopping Bag

Well, I racked up some dollars on some new summer maternity clothes today, woot! I actually haven't spent much on clothes since getting pregnant, the last time I bought a couple hundred dollars worth was at the very beginning which was still winter time. I have been getting uber hot lately with the sun finally coming out, and the long sleeves had to go! So, now I have several cute things for the sunny days ahead.

With my clothes I got a goodie bag of samples. In the samples was a newborn diaper. Its very cute and small, and got me a touch overwhelmed. Eek. I am going have something that small that fits in that thing! Crazyness.

Papa was under his house today finding tires. He found at least 6 under there and 4 in the shed. Nana at one point had to pull him out because he was somewhat stuck. Not sure what to think of a 79 year old doing silly things like that on such a hot day. Now he is off to sell his tires and get some cash. Good ol' Papa!

Now its nap time, sigh. I have used up all my daily energy. Sigh.

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