Gack! Those are the only words I have at this particular moment. I really want this little turkey out. Had my doctor appointment about an hour ago and made another one for next week. They are hoping that I don't need it but at this point, I think the little darling has made herself quite comfy and doesn't plan on showing up anytime soon.

Had a pretty low key weekend. Last night we had dinner at dad and Rita's place for Nana's birthday. Made her a quilted wall hanging, my saturday project to keep my mind off things. Food was good, dad grilled steaks. Yum. Showed us some pics from their trip to Rome and Italy. Kinda crazy to think they saw stuff that I learned about in Art History class. Maybe I'll get there in person one day.
We made a trip to the craft store for more things to keep me busy. I am painting letters to hang in the nursery, pretty cute. Will post a pic when finished. Here's hoping that the next post will be somthing about going to the hospital. Wouldn't that be nice.
1 comment:
Janet: hang in there! I'm rooting for you!
Ariel: times up! get out!
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