Ken is still at work, which is important. He is trying to get as much done as he can before Ariel shows up, which he keeps thinking is sooner than later. I think she has another idea, but maybe he knows something I don't. He is pretty stressed these days. Lots to do for getting the september intake in order and yet on top of that it seems there are daily twists to give him more reason to be concerned about leaving. It really sucks because he has so much to be excited about this month, with not only baby but his book he worked so hard on. I hate that he can't enjoy this the way he should. He is trying to relax, and late nights like this somewhat help him. I support his effort 100%, he is doing this all for his girls he tells me. Thank you.

So I went to the quilt shop for goodies, and got a cute pattern for a wall hanging that I think will be the start of Ariel's christmas collection. Gotta get her going young. Hee. I look forward to having her sit in a bouncy chair beside me while I sew. Just a daydream I have often. While in the store I sat and watched Stella teach her sewing class to these cute little girls. I remember sewing with my mom. Her making sweatshirts that I could fabric paint. One of the sweatshirts she made was one of my favorite pieces of clothing. I saw it in a picture the other day of me, Mikey and the cousins bowling. Kinda made me happy to think that maybe my daughter will have the same memories of things I make for her.

In fact, I started the sleepers today. Whee! Stella got a production line going of cutting the pieces out as I put them together. I got 2 entirely finished! These are the smalls. They are awesome because the bottoms are elastic and are easy to open in the middle of the night for diaper changes. Expect more photos as I complete more. Got the mediums to do next.
The only major downer of the day is the fact my feet are HUGE! I don't know what happened but I looked down and my ankles were very puffy. Sniff. Not too happy at the moment. I can only wear flip flops, as my sandels are too tight now. So I am gonna go put the feet up, maybe they will be better tomorrow.
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