Yes, it seems the worse may be over. Today is much cooler by far, although I still may sleep downstairs since I have all my junk there now. I'm far too lazy and huge to move it again. Hehe. Last night Ken brought home a feast of sorts from Boston Pizza, so I didn't have to cook. I had a pretty rough day in general after the early morning sickness and it was still somewhat lingering.

Mike and Jo stopped by after dinner with a baby gift of a very cool bouncy/vibrating chair. Babies love those things. Here is Ken with the other stunt baby, 'puppy.' Jo and I managed to put it together while Mike and Ken sat on the couch watching tv. Hmmm, funny how that is eh?
Then gave Jo a tour of baby land upstairs and all the fun things we have set up. I don't get in that room as much living downstairs, plus its a bit sad that I can't use it yet. Blah.
After they left for the movies, I called to see the status on Papa who had been sent home from the hospital. Turns out it doesn't look like a stroke now, and the scan didn't show much. He will be having some tests done later this week I believe.
The rest of the evening was me sewing and Ken animating for the Galen project. He is feeling better, but still not completely well. I figure by the end of the weekend he will be out of the woods. Yay.
This morning, Ken went to teach and I got a free breaky. Whee, thanks Mikey. We all went to Rickies for Nana's b-day. At the end of the meal Jo got everyone's baby predictions about when the little stinker would arrive and how much she would weigh. I will be posting those soon, once I get a copy of them. I want her to get out ASAP. I want to sleep so badly on my tummy again. Sigh.
I decided to walk home to see if I could stir things up, and ended up running into the Champions. Turns out I showed up at the right time as they wanted my opinion on a wedding gift for Mike and Jo. Its so lovely, and thats all I can say, HA. Gotta wait to see it guys.
Time for a good rest, and lots of decorating shows.